We are lacking in technology in every way, from our laptop, tablets, and phones to behind-the-scenes technology that promotes demand science and education. It has the potential to improve life as technology enters every new invention, but in some cases it the potential to negatively impact both physically and emotionally
Digital eye strain
According to clinicians, prolonged use of laptops and cell phones can be helpful in a digital strain of the eyes. Digital eyes strain signs may include:
Blurred vision of dry eyes, neck and shoulder pain
Muscular Strain
If you are using a smartphone you are likely to catch a weird future inclination. This puts pressure on the shoulders and backbone compared to self – reported smartphones use and neck. There is a clear link between problems when you are experiencing technical difficulties. Here are the steps you can take to reduce these emissions.
Sleep Problems
Bedroom technology can interfere with sleep There are many ways According to the National Sleep Foundation 90% of people in the United States claim that they use tech devices in an hour before bedtime to affect sleep physically and emotionally enough to relax.
Emotional Problems
It makes you feel more connected to the world using social media, but if you compare yourself to others, it may make you feel bad or leave. A recent study investigating the use of 1, 700 such people in social media between the ages of 19 and 32, researchers found that social media users feel more disconnected from society than those who spend less time on social media.
Negative effects of technology on kids
The results of a 2014 study Trusted Source to show that technology continues to affect the health of children and teenagers even after factoring out junk food and exercise.
Researchers used a wide definition of screen time, including television, video games, telephone, tech toys research linked more screen time or lower quality screen time to behavioral problems.
Technology is part of life can have many negative effects but it also offers many positive benefits and can generally contribute to health education and well-being.