In this Pandemic Situation Saudi Arabia allow 1000 pilgrims to perform Hajj this year. As knowing the increasing ratio of Covid19 infection some of the SOP’s are introduced which should be followed by every pilgrim.
They should only drink Zamzam well water and it should be in plastic bottles. Pebbles that they use for casting away evil should be sterilized and packed in bags.
Pilgrims will also bring their own prayer rugs.
These are the guidelines by the Saudi Government which should be followed by 1000 pilgrims. This is the first experience in the History of Saudi Arabia that only 1000 pilgrims will perform Hajj because of Covid19. According to the Kingdom, only 70% of pilgrims will perform Hajj from foreign countries whereas 30% will be Saudi citizens.
30% of the Saudi pilgrims who will perform Hajj can selected among those who recovered from this virus. Kingdom said that their selection represents the appreciation for their role in providing care in this pandemic situation.
Like other countries, Saudi Arab is also a country in which the number of patients increased very speedily. More than 3000 patients were reported daily. More than 210,000 people were infected by this virus in Saudi Arab and 1978 people died. So Kingdom decided that only between 20 to 50 ages pilgrims will perform hajj and that have not performed Hajj before.
All the pilgrims will be quarantined after and before performing Hajj and testing of Covid19 should be performed. After testing negative they should submit their application through the website of Kingdom’s Hajj Ministry. They will wear masks thorough out the Prayer and make some distance and sleep in tents to maintain social distance.