It is the need of the hour—to ensure the well-being and mental health of the kids—for an excellent next generation. Being the fourth-most populous country in the world and one amongst the famous tourist destinations, Indonesia should opt for more public entertainment zones for kids.
Quality entertainment zones will ensure the social and personal skills development in kids, adolescents and adults. Entertainment zones are becoming popular among urban parents, who are working and lack time to spend with their kids. An arcade in Indonesia will bring about multiple positive effects on both kids and elders.
Why Entertainment Zones?
In today’s fast-paced world of technology, people seem to forget about rejuvenating their minds and refreshing their souls. To reinvigorate and uplift the mind, one must do something about it. Especially in the case of kids, their brains should get enough support for proper mental growth and health. Though technology is to blame for the busy schedules of most people, it provides a solution too.
Lack of open spaces and high population density rejects the chances of open-space gaming. Due to this, the best option for gaming is through entertainment centres—else known as arcade game zones—which provide multiple gaming options under one umbrella.
Studies show the importance of fun and entertainment in the lives of children in building their characters and also, to give them a better childhood. Entertainment centres feature games for fun, family entertainment and even for educational purposes.
Most of the entertainment centres are very competitive. They try to bring out the best in people by featuring games and amusements that ensure learning through entertainment in kids and teenagers. Entertainment centres encompass the tastes of kids, teenagers and adults by providing them with a large variety of games.
More exclusively, they function as family entertainment centres, where every member of the family can find their place and have fun. Entertainment zones are rooted solely on bringing a healthy mentality in people through the means of gaming and entertainment.
Why in Indonesia?
The urban working parents in the populous islands like Java and Jakarta, don’t usually have much time to spend with their children because of their busy schedules. Unlike the rural parents, who have more time to take care of their kids, as they are more likely to do work in and around their houses—the urban parents have to spend most of their time in their workspace. Due to this, there are high chances for their kids not to get the special attention they need, and the urban living spaces restrict them from engaging in open-space games as well.
Thus, the entertainment centres work as an aid for parents who have busy schedules and help the children to grow into well-developed adults as well. An arcade in Indonesia should be considered as an asset, as it promises education and enjoyment. It is a better option for them as they find quality family entertainment time in the outside world.
The increasing interest of the urban parents in the entertainment centres shows the influence and efficiency in keeping their motive intact. The arcade games are not only a new trend but are also a need of the time; it positively influences the people, especially the younger generation. For the upbringing of an energetic, vibrant and healthy younger generation who find themselves in restricting conditions, one must invest in entertainment zones.