Making the decision to get a dog is a wonderful choice, and you will soon find your new furry friend becomes a part of your family.
Dogs are incredibly loyal and fun and are simply a pleasure to spend time with. The bond that you develop with your dog will last a lifetime, and you will undoubtedly have some amazing adventures together.
Practical Considerations When Adopting a Dog
Although the process of getting a dog is an exciting time, there are also several practical considerations to keep in mind.
You will first have to be in a position where you can financially afford a dog. This is because the cost of food, toys, pet insurance, and veterinary care can soon add up.
Fortunately, services such as easyvet can help you to save money, but it is still wise to know that you can comfortably afford to get a dog before you get one.
In addition to the cost considerations, you will also need to make sure that your home is suitable for a dog. For example, do you have enough space in your home, and do you have a garden area for your dog to enjoy?
If you have thought about these points and still decide you want to get a dog, then the next step is to think about how you are going to dog-proof your home.
The Kitchen
Did you know that dogs are allergic or intolerant to certain common food items? You should always make sure the following foods are always out of reach:
- Chocolate
- Grapes
- Avocados
- Raisins
- Onions
- Garlic
- Coffee
- Macadamia nuts
- Almonds
- Cinnamon
- Ice cream
If you notice that your dog has consumed one or more of these foods and then begins to look unwell, then you should consult with your vet immediately.
It is easy to dog-proof your kitchen by simply making sure all food items are stored away properly.
The Bathroom
Dogs are adorable animals, but they can also have some quite disgusting habits!
Make sure your dog never has the opportunity to drink from the toilet bowl, and also that they don’t have access to any soaps or cleaning products in the bathroom. The toilet water can contain harmful bacteria, and the soaps and cleaning products could be toxic.
The Laundry Room
The detergents and chemicals kept in the laundry room can pose a serious hazard to dogs. If they consume these chemicals, then an emergency trip to the vet will be on the cards.
To dog-proof your laundry room, simply keep these items out of reach and always put them away properly after use.
It is also a good idea to make sure you do not leave any clothes lying around in this area, as your dog might pick them up and chew them, leading to digestive issues.
The Bedroom
As household dangers go, there is likely not too much to be concerned about in your bedroom. However, you may want to ensure that there is nothing available in this room that your dog can mistake for a toy and potentially destroy. This includes clothes, objects, and even small electrical items.
Making sure your home is a safe place is paramount to keeping your dog healthy, so keep these simple points in mind at all times.